Monday, September 27, 2010

The amazing, pool cleaning cat.

Yes it's true. The Scottish fold is a talented breed. Although more well known for their incredible talents at multi-tasking (lounging on the couch, purring AND being stroked ALL at the same time), Angus has learned to earn his keep and is Bonnie's resident Pool Boy!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My dog Doowie - Sarah

The arrival of Doowie (so-called because he looks like a weird cross between a Doberman and a Chihauhua) in my life was unexpected.

Doowie, Toy Manchester Terrier
A friend who has a habit of rescuing animals in distress (and LOTS of them - she does a great job!) contacted me as she 'had the perfect dog for me'.  I arrived at her Kitchener doggy daycare centre a little unsure - did I really want to take on the responsibility of a dog at this point in time?

The girls at the front looked relieved to see me, and returned with what I can only describe as a weird little Mexican/Italian looking monkey who promptly peed on the floor in front of me. 

This was going to be fun.

I was handed a leash and off we went for a stroll around the block to see how well we got on.  Doowie had no clue of the usual commands and was oblivious to my attemps to make him 'sit' or walk nicely on a leash.  This little terror had his own mind!

And so we drove home, him looking out stunned from his carrier, me looking out stunned through the window.

I spent the rest of the afternoon staring at him and wondering if this was really such a good idea.  A few hours later, my boyfriend returned from work and spent the evening staring at him, wondering if this was such a good idea.

Three years on and Doowie is still with me, and so is the boyfriend.  Both are now house-trained.

Here are a few of Doowie's favourite things:

  • Ripping up a box of tissues and spreading them all over the living room floor (and generally through the dining area too)
  • Humping the cat
  • Having his teeth brushed (more on this later)
  • Barking at the post lady, even when we see her while we're out for walks
  • Stealing the cat food
  • Being Head of Household
  • Coming to work with me
  • Warren Park after Labour Day!
And Doowie's least favourite things:
  • Having his nails trimmed
  • Taking baths
  • The cats
  • Having to stay home

Having a dog in my life is not only fun but a great social experiment.  Everyone always thinks he's a Min Pin, but he's actually a Toy Manchester Terrier.  I've learnt a lot about the breed, which originated in England as a mixture between the Black and Tan Terrier and the Whippet and was bred for ratting, a sport popular in England in the 1800's.  There is a toy and a standard variety, with the toy weighing no more than 12 pounds and having naturally erect ears.  The most famous Toy Manchester was named Tiny and is said to have killed more than 300 rats in an hour during an 1848 rat kill!  Thankfully Doowie has been unable to attempt such a feat, but he'd really like to get his jaws around a squirrel one day!

About this blog

Along with providing our fabulous clients with information on Pet Vet Hospitals' packages and specials, we aim to give you a behind the scenes look at the day-to-day life of a practicing vet clinic.  We'll let you in on some of the things we've learnt through working at a clinic, and share with you our own personal pet stories.

Angus, Owner of Bonnie Machin, Pet Vet Hospitals' Administrator
 Of course, we want to hear about your stories too!  We would love to get video and photos of your pets in their home environment and read stories on the mischief they get up to!

We'll have pet stories to laugh at, and tributes to pets passed, as well as facts and interesting stories from around the world.

Let's get started!

Welcome to the Pet Vet blog.

A woof and meow from me to you.  Welcome to the Pet Vet blog!

Working at a veterinary hospital has given me a terrific insight into what goes on behind the scenes at a vet clinic.  I have seen firsthand the emotional involvement our doctors have with the animals they treat, and the incredible bond pets share with their owners.

It comes as no surprise that there are good days along with bad.  I've never before worked in a job where I have literally seen each of my coworkers reduced to tears at some point along the way, and it's a privilege to share that.

As pet owners ourselves, we understand how difficult it can be to make decisions regarding the welfare of our pets, and how difficult and traumatic it can be when it comes time to say goodbye.  I have met so many wonderful people through my work at Pet Vet - people who genuinely love and care for their pets, whether they have had them for a matter of months or a lifetime.  It is an honour for us to share those times with you.

Thank you for caring for your pets.