Friday, July 13, 2012

Princess Panda Cat

G`day mates,
phew, it was so hot today it was like the Australian bush out there. I saw birds using potholders to pull worms from the ground...that`s how hot it was!
Lots of cases of heatstroke lately. More prevalent in the canine furbabies, as they tend to venture out more than us felines...well it`s a known fact us kitties are smarter ;) Who is it that goes out in the midday sun again?..oh, yeah..."MAD DOGS and Englishmen" (I rest my case).  Am familiar with lots of mad dogs, but the only English person I know is a woman, Hazel. She`s one of our groomers...barking mad she is! Keeps trying to get me in the bath, she`s obviously insane! Bath...puleeze. I can groom myself thank you very much! Apparently some cats don`t do such a great job of grooming themselves and get matted coats that have to be clipped off or they can end up with nasty skin issues...huh!

Back to the heatstroke. Serious business indeed, as it is an emergency and requires immediate treatment.
Dogs can not  tolerate high environmental temperatures as well as humans do.They do not sweat, except a little through their paw pads. Dogs depend upon panting to exchange warm air for cool air. But when air temperature is close to body temperature, cooling by panting is not an efficient process.
  • Common situations that can set the stage for heat stroke in dogs include:
  • Being left in a car in hot weather
  • Exercising strenuously in hot, humid weather
  • Being a brachycephalic(flat head) breed, especially a Bulldog, Pug, or Pekingese
  • Suffering from a heart or lung disease that interferes with efficient breathing
  • Suffering from a high fever or seizures
  • Being confined on concrete or asphalt surfaces
  • Being confined without shade and fresh water in hot weather
Soak your dog in cold (not ice!) water immediately following heatstroke and seek veterinary treatment without delay!

Remember, your pets can not tolerate high temperatures as well as you try going out there in a fur coat! Keep your fur babies cool and safe!

Ta ta mates

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Princess Panda Cat

Buenos dias,
today was so hot, I saw two trees fighting over a dog! I heard chickens were laying hard boiled eggs. That`s how hot it was!
Aint easy sporting a fur coat in this heat. Energy eludes me at the minute (normally I`m a spitfire....not ;)
On the plus side, I think I may have lost an ounce or two in perspiration.

I`m exhausted from grooming myself all day long.Not to mention a numb tongue!
 Did you know that cats have a tendency to groom themselves a little more when they are hot?  Licking themselves is actually a mechanism for cooling. When their saliva evaporates off their fur, it works to lower their body temperature (similar to humans when sweat evaporates off their skin). Huh!
We also sweat through our paw pads. I`ve been leaving footprints all around the clinic which really hampers my ability to be furtive and elusive on my treat scoring missions. Suddenly everyone in the clinic has their inspector Clouseau hats on and is tracking me down. Do they make booties for cats? ...How do I get me some of those?

I shouldn`t complain I suppose. The clinic has the A/C pumping 24/7 on hot sticky days. I heard someone saying that when you`re overweight you`re less tolerant to the heat....although what that has to do with me?... I have no idea....

Monday, July 9, 2012

Princess Panda Cat

Aloha everyone!
Just a quick one today to give a big shout out to the birthday girl.
The boss lady, the big kahuna, Bonnie "the Bonster" Machin turns.......? older, today. Not sure how old she is, but in dog years she`s dead!

That gal took me in when I was unwanted, unloved and undesirable. Now here I am many years later; a roof over my head, food on the table (and wherever else I can find it ;) and adored by many.
Oh, and lets not forget 10lbs lighter...I swear!!     I used to be obese, now I`m pleasantly plump.

Muchas Gracias.   Life sure is wonderful with my Pet Vet family

Cheers Bonnie!
Happy Birthday

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sir Jack

Hello Friends

I am Jack or Sir Jack as I run the Morningside location. Well I think I do he he he. I am the cutest cat ever!! My hobbies are getting into as much trouble as I can, welcoming patients into the hospital and distracting the dogs. 

I have been at Morningside for a couple years now thanks to Dr Varley and her team. They saved me! I had some problems with my pee for a while and my parents weren't able to look after me. So Dr Varley took me in and now I am all better. I love it here. I have many toys to play with and lots of new friends to meet everyday. 

I like to watch everything that happens in our treatment room. I have seen many cool things and watched my team help many cats and dogs. Today I saw them take a stone out of a fellow cats bladder. That was exciting to watch as I had this done to myself but I was asleep when they did it so I didn't get to watch. I heard the doctor say that this can happen if you have an infection that goes untreated it can cause these sharp stones in your bladder. OUCH! Also if you eat bad food everyday it can contribute. I did not know that. I wonder how many other cats don't know that. I am going to tell every cat that comes in to tell their moms and dads this. 

Well it is my bed time I had a long day of watching surgery and playing with toys. I will be back soon to tell you more exciting stories.

Sir Jack

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Princess Panda Cat

Hallo freunde,
me again, your multi-talented, multi-lingual favourite feline.

So today, a fellow kitty comrade came into the clinic with fleas...Gave me the heebie-jeebies I`ll tell ya!
Poor fella had to take medication to kill the fleas, endure a flea bath, needed more medication to take home and his people had to have their house fumigated!! All that because he was not on any parasite prevention regime.
Last week we had two dogs come in with ticks. Zoinks!

Don`t people know these parasites can carry and cause nasty diseases??
If you have not already done so please ensure your fur babies are on a regular parasite prevention schedule, including deworming.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Panda`s new pal!

Princess Panda Cat

Ciao bella amica,
I have a new friend! His name is Sox, although I like to call him Tripod. He`s a kitten that came to our clinic a few weeks ago following a severe injury to one of his front legs. The damage was irreparable and one of our highly skilled veterinarians, Dr Ryan, had to amputate.
Well I`ll tell ya, that cute guy (Tripod, not Dr Ryan...although he`s pretty cute too!) has not skipped a beat. I think somebody should tell him he`s only got three legs, as I don`t think he knows. He`s all healed up and zipping around this place like the energizer bunny! You should see him go, amazing! Little on the cocky side, called me "fatty" the other day. Got a lot of chutzpah for a guy with a really bad! Anyways, I`m just big-boned, everyone knows that.
He`s not to keen on me yet, but I`ll win him over...everyone loves the Princess!

Big news at Pet Vet is the story of Dutchess. A very brave mastiff who was shot in the neck trying to save her owner. What a hero! She`s currently being treated at our Morningside clinic. Her injuries require a lot of expensive treatment and she desperately needs all the help we can muster. For more information go to;
Lets rally together and save this girl!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Highland Creek Heritage Festival

Highland Creek Heritage Festival

Come on out today, Saturday
June 16th to the Highland Creek Heritage Festival and meet some of the
staff of Morningside Pet Hospital, the Pet Vet Hospital located in

Lisa and Alysha are very excited to be
representing our hospital at the HIghland Creek Heritage Festival with our
refreshment station for all our furry friends and their families in
the area. It's going be to be a full day of fun and excitement, with
a parade, vendors, live entertainment, and a  "Mutt" Show.
Come on out and meet us and enjoy a day with your family. 

Lisa is our Registered Veterinary Technician, also a nurtritional and
rehabilitation specialist. Ask her about your pet's diet, or what she
reccomends as an alternative or if you have any questions about what you
can do to help your pet following a surgery she would be happy to give you
her advice.

Alysha is our Practice Coordinator and Client Care
Specialist, she will be happy to assist you with any questions you have
regarding your pet's preventative health care, scheduling your Free
New Client Consultation, or any questions regarding services offered at
our clinic.

We look forward to getting out into the community
and having a day of Fun in the Sun.
Remember.... If you are bringing
your dog to the Highland Creek Heritage Festival, stop by our 
refreshment table to help keep you and your pet well hydrated. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Princess Panda Cat

Hello friends, it is with a heavy heart I write today.
My BFF, partner in crime and closest confidant, went to kitty Heaven last night.
Surrounded by his loving Pet Vet family, Jack the cat was euthanized due to having cancer. It was a sad day, not a dry eye in the house.

Jack and I spent many years together at Pet Vet Credit Valley Hospital. Shared some great memories. He was the Ying to my Yang. I`m going to miss that guy!
I don`t think of it as putting him down, but sending him up....I can just see him running around that big kitty playground in the sky. Pain free and having a blast!
We will never forget you. R.I.P Jack

Monday, June 11, 2012

princess panda cat

Hola Amigos!
Well sure has been busy in the clinic lately. Heartworm season is here again. Nice to see so many humans making sure their fur babies are protected against those nasty parasites.
I like to do the old meet and greet...the people love it! So some lady comes in today and refers to me as a "chunky monkey!" Gasp!!! Anyways, I promptly barfed up a hairball on her shiny shoes. She was not too happy about that and was yelling profanities and something about; "Jimmy Choos?"...Well, I don`t know who that guy is, but I wouldn`t want to be in his shoes when she finds him!


Hey everyone! I'm Maverick, I heard my mommy told you all about me last week. Now it is my turn to tell you all about  me.....My mommy keeps calling me a piranha. I don't know what that means hehehehe but I do try to bite my mommy all the time. She tells me to stop it but my tooths are coming in and I want to chew on everything and body part I can get at hehehe. I know I can get away with it as I am just soooo handsome and I know how to play to cute card to get me out of trouble.

My mommy has given me kibble just like the dogs. I was so happy to be a big boy now and get to eat the big boy food! Now I don't have to try and steal the dogs food. It was risky as Milo tried to eat me a few times. But now that I'm big I can take on these doggies. I just hunch my back, puff up and spit at him when he bugs me. Unfortunately it doesn't always scare him away. This is where my tooths come in handy.

Today I went to work with my mommy. I saw lots of really big dogs. I scared them all away on my own. I may be small but I'm fierce. I saw lots of cool things, like surgery (that's what my mommy said it was). I watched her with all the other doggies and kitties and they all seem to love her and the doctors too. It was a very tiring day watching all the things that happen in treatment and of course I was playing with my toys. I love my toys. I have sooo many I never know which one to play with first. Yawn! I think its my bed time now, I am very very sleepy. Nighty Night everyone. I will keep you updated on Morningside Pet Hospital and what goes on behind the scenes.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Princess Panda

Bonjour mes amis! It is I, Panda the cat. Due to my overwhelming popularity and ever increasing adoring fan club, it has been decided I should have my own blog spot.
For those of you who do not know who I am..? (All 5 of you). I am Panda, a.k.a, Princess Panda. Resident clinic cat, at Pet Vet Credit Valley.
My days are spent meandering the hallways, awaiting my well trained humans to open doors for me to go wherever I may choose (suckers!). My goal of the day (everyday), is to score as many nibbles as possible.
Those crazy humans say I need to lose weight?...pffft!! So what if I have a little junk in the trunk! Hey, fat bottomed girls make the rockin world go round.
Today we played hide and seek...guess who raided the cookie jar when everyone ran off to hide....woohoo..Score!!
Anyways, I`m feeling a little tired, time for my 15th nap of the day. I`ll be checking in regularly with updates on what`s going around the clinic, health advice and of course, weight loss tips. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Diabetes Hits close to Home at Pet Vet Lakeshore

By:  Dr. Vinny Boyaninsky, Senior Veterinarian
Pet Vet Lakeshore Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario

Most of you know our hospital mascot “Harley” the
tabby cat.  Recently during his semi-annual wellness exam my staff reported he was sleeping more and not as playful. After his physical exam I drew a blood sample for a wellness screen that included a CBC (complete blood count)and 10 blood chemistry tests.  Harley has always been a very healthy active cat and I now had to tell my team that he was diabetic.

Almost everyone knows a friend or acquaintance who is diabetic.  What most people may not realize is that diabetes may be present in their own home, possibly in a feline friend.

Diabetes is a group of diseases that result from either inadequate insulin production or the inability of cells to respond to this hormone.  Insulin is necessary to help move glucose from the blood stream into tissue cells for use as energy.  The predominant characteristic of diabetes is the presence of high levels of glucose in the blood…this is known as hyperglycemia.

In humans, one type of this disease is known as Type I or insulin-dependent diabetes.  This illness results from the body’s immune system destroying the cells that make insulin.   This is the predominant form of diabetes in our canine companions and there is no known way to prevent it.

Type II, or non-insulin dependent diabetes, accounts for 90-95% of diabetes in people and 85-90% of cases in cats.  In this instance, the beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin either become exhausted or they fail to respond to signals to produce the hormone.  The important aspect of this to remember is that it is possible for treatment to lead to a remission of the disease.

While the number of cases of diabetes in dogs has remained static for many years, some veterinarians feel that they are seeing an increasing number of diabetic cats.  Although the true incidence of feline diabetes is not precisely known, estimates for North America show that about 1 in every 200-400 cats develop this disease.  What is important to remember is that as our cats have developed a tendency towards obesity, diabetes cases have risen rapidly.

Being obese or overweight is a risk factor for Type II diabetes because of the chronic inflammatory state obesity produces.  This leads to a reduction in insulin sensitivity.  In addition, fat cells in overweight animals stop producing a certain hormone essential for proper insulin receptor function.

Cats with diabetes often go extended periods of time with no real sign that anything is wrong.   When signs do appear, the first indications are a cat who needs to use the litter box more frequently and who is drinking greater amounts of water.  Unfortunately, cat owners are not always aware of these signs, especially if their kitty often goes outdoors.  This means that many cats aren’t diagnosed for months after the onset of diabetes.

Without diagnosis and treatment, diabetes will eventually cause a metabolic condition known as ketoacidosis. This leads to dangerous changes in the blood chemistry, dehydration and eventually, death.

When cats are seen by a veterinarian, this disease is often diagnosed with a simple blood test.  Hyperglycemia or any glucose in the urine (glucosuria) is often indicative of diabetes.  Veterinarians can also use a blood test known as serum fructosamine to determine the average blood glucose values over the course of the last three weeks. 

In some cases, cats don’t get into the veterinarian until the disease has progressed even further.  In these cases, the presence of ketones (a by-product of using fatty acids for energy) in the urine is a definitive indicator of complicated diabetes.

Unlike diabetic dogs who will be on insulin replacement for the rest of their lives, it is possible to treat cats and even cause remission.  The goal of treatment in cats is to restore the functionality of the beta cells and their ability to produce insulin.   In fact, new evidence is now showing that high protein, low carbohydrate diets are instrumental in helping cats defeat diabetes.  In short, although your feline friend may need insulin initially, you might be able to reduce or even eliminate this medication as you help the cat lose weight.

As with any medical condition, the very best source of information will be your veterinarian.

Dr. Vinny Boyaninsky, Pet Vet Lakeshore Hospital
I highly recommend twice yearly exams for all my patients and annual blood testing. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Adventures of Maverick

I wanted to share a story of a very cute and crazy kitten that has just recently come into my life. I named him Maverick as he thought he was larger than life the first time he met my cat Izzy. Maverick was brought into our clinic on a Friday afternoon. A lady found him all alone in a park. Unsure of how old he really was we guessed he was about 2 weeks old. He was just so tiny and helpless. It was heartbreaking just knowing that he was left alone. My heart melted and I had to take him home with me for the weekend(so I thought). He is now 5 weeks old!Its been a very long weekend!! I think he is staying. He still comes to work with me a few times a week as he is still too young to be left on his own. Everyone at work loves him!
My main concern was Maverick and my Jack Russell Terrier Milo getting along. Right now he is curled up with Milo. So I guess they get along pretty well. Watching him grow is amazing. Everyday he gets bigger and bigger and crazier and crazier lol but I love him. He is now carrying around all of his toys in his mouth and doing the stairs like a champ. He is a very cuddly little boy and he definitely knows how to brighten up any ones day. I will update everyone on Maverick as he grows and encounters new things.